Special Joint City Council and Planning and Preservation Commission Meeting on Sep.16!
Join us for a special joint meeting with the City Council and Planning and Preservation Commission on Monday, September 16!
After months of work, the project team will be presenting its findings from the existing conditions analysis and community outreach and engagement process from Phase 1 of the Downtown Master Plan. Join us in person or online to learn about the findings and listen to the discussion.
Phase 1 consisted of analyzing the downtown across the broad topics of land use, mobility, economics, real estate, parking, the built environment, and the public realm. Phase 1 also consisted of various tools, meetings, and events with community members to gather input about their concerns, ideas, and aspirations for the future. Phase 1 concludes with a special joint meeting with the City Council and Planning and Preservation Commission to discuss the project team’s findings and receive input before commencing Phase 2 of the Downtown Master Plan.
What: Special Joint Meeting with the City Council and Planning and Preservation Commission
When: Monday, September 16 at 6pm.
Where: City Council Chamber, 117 Macneil Street, San Fernando, California 91340
How: In person or live stream online at https://www.youtube.com/c/CityOfSanFernando